A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

The exhibition «Valentina Tolkunova. Conversation With a Woman»


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Дом-музей М.Н. Ермоловой/Театральный салон на Тверском бульваре

The exhibition «Valentina Tolkunova. Conversation With a Woman» devoted to the singer is open at the Theatre Salon from February 22.

The name of Valentina Tolkunova is familiar to millions from her famous songs which mention women’s fate, love, tenderness, and sacrifice. The appeal of Valentina Tolkunova to the woman’s heart is the main theme of the exhibition.

The exhibition name reflects one of the main directions of her songs. «Conversation with a Woman» is the name of the Tolkunova’s album released at the peak of the singer’s popularity.

The exhibition presents Tolkunova’s path from a talented girl to a popular singer and reveals some parts of her life little-known to the public: it tells about the opera «Russian Women» specially written for her, the play «The Waiting», etc. There are concert costumes from the Bakhrushin Museum’s funds, the fashion historian Alexander Vasilyev’s personal collection and the personal archive of the family of Valentina Tolkunova.

The exhibition is organized by the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum with the support of the «Valentina Tolkunova: Creativity and Destiny» Internet Forum, the Russian State Documentary Film and Photo Archive, the Valentina Tolkunova Foundation for the Support of Contemporary Art.

During the exhibition there will be film screenings of solo concerts, an evening with Leonid Serebrennikov, screenings of the play «The Waiting» and the musical-literary performance «Cheryomukha».

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

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С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


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