A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Finissage №65


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The Museum-Estate of A.N.Ostrovsky/The Theatre Gallery on Malaya Ordynka

The exhibition of Alexander Gorenstein, a famous stage designer, is held from October 31, 2017, at the Ostrovsky House Museum (Theatre Gallery on Malaya Ordynka). It is called «Finissage №65».

The finissage is a solemn exhibition closing. But why is the exhibition called «finissage»? The answer lies in the artist’s notes: «This is how we seem to livelivelivelivelivelivelive <…> Is there an end to it? And when? Everything is going so funny!». But why is there a number 65? Because on October 31, 2017, the exhibition opening day, Alexander Gorenstein reaches age 65.

The display will include the artist’s selected works. The exhibition curator is Alexander Gorenstein himself.

Every work of the master hides a story, a problem that he decided to express through painting. There is something from Marc Chagall and René Magritte in his works. At the same time, the artist’s work shows an absolutely distinct style, revealing a whole world of conjectures and reflections.

Alexander Gorenstein was born in Odessa in 1952. He graduated from the Department of Art of the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema. He performed more than one hundred productions in the theatres of the USSR, Russia, Israel, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Ukraine, including six of them as a director. The works of Alexander Gorenstein are actively exhibited both in Russia and abroad: in the USA, Israel, Ukraine, Germany, Italy, Austria. A kind of irony towards his works and his heroes can be called a feature of the artist’s creative activity. When asked about the style of his painting, Alexander Gorenstein answers briefly: «Let the art critics decide».

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

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