A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Happy world theatre day!



«Theatre, as I view it, is more essential and necessary to a human being than any of greatest benefits of modern culture. Humanity can exist and has existed for centuries (no matter for good or evil) without them, and it is proved by the history of the primitive humankind. But nobody could do without  theatre since the creation of the world!  And the easiest way to verify it is to remember one’s childhood in detail.

Is not yet born such a creature in his childhood would not be what he likes. And it is just a theatre a child is mostly fond of, i.e. transformation of the reality given to the child from the outside to the reality the child has given to himself…»

Evreinov N.N., «The Devil of Theatrics»

Set design. Act 1, Scene 1. Ballet «The Little Humpbacked Horse» by C. Pugni. 1901. Choreography by A.A. Gorsky. Moscow Imperial Bolshoi Theatre. Cardboard, graphite pencil, gouache, bronze 16,3×40,2. A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum


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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

Opening hours

С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


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See the best places to go in Moscow with a plan including State Central Theatre Museum of Bahrushin