A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum



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Главное здание Театрального музея им. А.А. Бахрушина

The annual exhibition of Moscow theatrical artists 54TH SEASON RESULTS is open at the Bakhrushin Theatre Museum from June 9. The display includes about 70 authors, more than 100 performances in 35 theatres of Russia, as well as the works of Moscow stage designers in theatres of Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Germany, Italy and Great Britain.

Its new slogan is «Movement.Building», which means impetuosity and dynamism. The exhibition doesn’t lose its true purpose, having been held for 53 times – to represent the best of the scenography of the season, to open new names, to interest a wider audience, to be unpredictable, intriguing, relevant with contemporary art… In a word, to develop and move forward, and not just to remain an exhibition that prolongs and reveres traditions? One year ago the museum offered to the stage designers a dilapidated building of the former medical unit, abandoned by the followers of Hippocrates… The artists found it it an opportunity to place their works: models, sketches, installations. They changed the atmosphere of the location and replaced the suffocating air with a mixture of drugs by the smell of paints, wood, glue… This history turned out to be very productive – and the exhibition became a bright event of the season. What will be this time, when the museum has generously given to artists its best locations? What will be the 54th exhibition that has returned to the comfort zone? Will it turn into a kind of transfer of theatres and authors, bringing joy only to the initiated? (Inna Mirzoyan, exhibition curator).

The theatre is a life. The theatre is an emotion. The theatre is a magic. The theatre is an illusion. The theatre is a movement. The theatre is a building. The theatre is a WORLD. Every time the authors of a play discover something new, both for themselves and for the audience. They build their world according to their own laws. The «builders» present their curious projects to the curious audience already for the 54th time. The life is going. The theatre lives and develops, reflecting reality and at the same time seeking to go beyond the ordinary. At the «construction site» of the Bakhrushin Museum one can simultaneously immerse yourself in the myriad of amazing worlds. Even in a mini-exhibition, every artist tries to BUILD his own world. That highlights the Season Results exhibition. The most of theatrical projects violate the laws of physics, fascinate by their eccentricity, originality of thinking. The theatre doesn’t stand still. The theatre MOVES forward, expanding the boundaries of the possible… I want to believe that one day these borders will disappear altogether… (Vasilina Ovchinnikova, exhibition artist).

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

Opening hours

С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


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