A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Imre Kalman and others. Golden Age of the Hungarian operetta


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Дом-музей М.Н. Ермоловой/Театральный салон на Тверском бульваре

The exhibition «Imre Kalman and the Others. The Golden Age of Hungarian Operetta» is open at the Theatre Salon on Tversky Boulevard since June 21. It is dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the outstanding Hungarian composer Imre Kalman, the author of world-famous operettas such as «Silva», «The Bayadere», «The Circus Princess». The project is realized with the participation of the Otto German Museum /Miskolc, Hungary/.

The exhibition presents set and costume designs for performances with Imre Kalman’s music staged in European and Russian theatres, including the National Theatre of Miskolc, the Metropol Theatre in Berlin, the Operetta State Theatre. Scenography is supplemented with posters, photos of stage, artists’ portraits. The exhibits tell the story of the «Golden Age of Hungarian operetta», one of the brightest episodes of the cultural history of Hungary.

The «Golden Age» of Hungarian operetta influenced the Russian musical theatre too: costumes and props for the operetta «The Circus Princess» of the Operetta State Theatre and costumes of the prominent artist Tatyana Selvinskaya for the operetta «Silva» at the Magadan Music and Drama Theatre reflect the connection between works of Imre Kalman and Russian theatrical traditions.

The exhibition is designed with photos of European landscapes so that a visitor could experience a fascinating walk through European cities from Budapest to Paris while examining the exhibits.


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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

Opening hours

С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


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