A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Dostoevsky at the Ostrovsky’s House


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The Museum-Estate of M. N. Yermolova /The Theater Salon on Tverskoy Boulevard

The exhibition of graphic works by an artist Anatoly Kretov-Dazhd «Dostoevsky at the Ostrovsky’s House» is open from September 7 at the Theatre Gallery on Malaya Ordynka /Ostrovsky House-Museum/. The project is realized by the A.A. Bakhrushin Theatre Museum together with the Art Festival «Dostoevsky’s Friends’ House» and the international fund «Give Love to the World».

Anatoly Kretov-Dazhd is a famous Russian artist and illustrator, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists of the USSR, a supporter of «another art». Since the 1970’s he has participated in neo-avant-garde exhibitions in Russia and abroad. Since 1999 the artist is illustrating works from the Dostoevsky’s creative heritage. In 2011, Anatoly Kretov-Dazhd organized an art festival «Dostoevsky’s Days».

The exhibition will feature graphic series to the Dostoevsky’s works such as «Crime and Punishment», «The Idiot», «The Brothers Karamazov», «Notes from a Dead House», «The Dream of a Ridiculous Man», «A Little Hero», «Poor Folk», etc. Besides that, a series of graphic portraits of Dostoevsky’s characters will be shown for the first time.

Kristina Kretova-Dazhd also takes part in the exhibition. There will be showcased her glass objects to the Dostoevsky’s unwritten novel «Drunk People».

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

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