A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Decorative Materials Department

Collection of the Museum’s Decorative Materials Department consists of costume and set designs, portraits of theatrical figures, images of theatrical buildings, performances, cartoons and caricatures, set models.

Pre-revolutionary fund, which has more than 29 thousand units, contains the works of such masters, like I.Y. Bilibin, N.K. Rerikh, F.F. Fedorovsky, A.Y. Golovin, K.A. Korovin, M.A. Vrubel, V.A. Serov, L.S. Bakst, B.I. Anisfeld, A.A. Exter, A.N. Benois, N.S. Goncharov, M.V. Dobuzhinsky. Epoch of pre-director’s theatre is largely represented too – in the works of A.A. Roller, P. Gonzago, K.F. Waltz, etc.

Fund of Soviet and modern theatre contains more than 30 thousand units. There are the works of such prominent masters, like R.R. Falk, V.E. Tatlin, A.G. Tyshler, B.M. Kustodiev, V.A. and B.A. Schuko, K.F. Yuon, N.I. Altman, A.V. Lentulov, Y.P. Annenkov, N.P. Akimov, S.M. Eisenstein, A.M. Rodchenko, I.M. Rabinovich, B.A. Messerer, V.Y. Levental.

Fund of iconography is unique and rich /more than 29 thousand units/ – it consists of the works of K.P. Bryullov, O.A. Kiprensky, A.V. Fonvizin, Z.E. Serebryakova, as well as rare engravings devoted to the French, German, Chinese and Japanese theatre.

Director of the Decorative Materials Department: Tatyana Vasilyevna Denisenko

Tel.: +7 /495/ 959 20 48

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

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С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


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