A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Children’s and Puppet Theatres Fund Department

Children’s and Puppet Theatres Fund Department is the youngest in the museum. It was established on 1 January 2008, based on materials of the former Children’s Theatres State Museum, transferred to the A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum by order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation № 1084 from 6 August 2003. Currently, all the materials are registered in the A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum.

Fund includes more than 40 thousand museum objects and consists of 5 unique collections related to the history of beginning and development of the children’s and puppet theatres in our country. There are:

– decorative materials’ collection

– memorial objects’ collection

– photograph, cinema and phonograph documents’ collection

– written sources’ collection

– collection of playbills and programmes

Decorative materials’ collection presents the works of the Soviet artists of children’s theatres: L. Shaporina-Yakovleva, M. Artyukhova, N. Pavlovich, N. Rybolovlev, N. Shifrin, R. Raspopov, G. Golts, etc; masters of the second half of the XX century: B. Knoblok, E. Zmoyro, V. Ivanov, V. Talalay, F. Nirod, etc; contemporary artists: V. Levental, M. Kitayev, E. Kochergin, T. Selvinskaya, S. Barkhin, S. Benediktov, etc.

Fund possesses a collection of playbills and programmes of puppet theatres and Young Spectator’s Theatres. There are materials of the Soviet theatre, beginning from 1930’s, and foreign countries. Russian and international festivals UNIMA and ASSITEG are largely represented.

Theatrical puppets’ collection takes the most significant place in the memorial objects’ collection. The oldest puppet theatres are largely represented there: Efimovs’ Theatre /Moscow/ and puppet theatre under the direction of E. Demmeni /Petersburg/.

Photographs’ collection has time limits from 1920’s until the present. There are photographs and photo materials of the figures of children’s and puppet theatres.

Documentary fund consists of personal archives and archival collections. The most interesting are the documents of N.I. Sats, V.A. Sperantova, K.P. Koreneva, A.A. Bryantsev, B.V. Zon, I.S. Yefimov, V.L. Talalay, etc.

Director of the Children’s and Puppet Theatres Fund Department: Lidiya Stepanovna Omelchenko.

Tel.: +7  /495/ 690 42 89


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