A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Golem! Avatars of a legend of clay



08/03/2017 – 16/07/2017

Bakhrushin Theatre Museum took part in the international exhibition ‘Golem! Avatars of the legend of clay’ held at the Museum of art and history of Judaism, Paris. Ada Akkerman, the art curator, performed brilliantly to demonstrate the art interpretation of the image of Golem, a key figure in jewish mythology. 28 museum institutions and private collections provided 136 pieces for the exhibition: paintings, graphics, digital and video art.

For the exhibition, 7 sketches of theatric costumes were chosen from the Bakhrushin museum’s collection. The artpieces were created by I. Nivinsky, an outstanding theatric artist, for the play ‘Golem’, based on H. Leyvic’s script. The play was staged by B. Vershilov at ‘Gabima’ Moscow studio theatre in 1925. It is the first time that these set of sketches have been presented to a French audience, so it has caused a surge in interest. The art pieces of the Russian avant-garde are organically incorporated into the exhibition; they emphasise the artist’s innovation in the interpretation of Golem. Although the classical Golem is dumb, he retrieves his voice in Leyvic’s play. Nivinsky’s sketches are inwardly dynamic, which animates planner images.

Source of photo: http://vmusee.ru/

Source of photo: http://vmusee.ru/

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

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