A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Exhibition «The Russian Ballet Genius. Tribute to Galina Ulanova»


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Дом-музей М.Н. Ермоловой/Театральный салон на Тверском бульваре

The opening of the exhibition «The Russian Ballet Genius. Tribute to Galina Ulanova» will be held on January 18 at the Yermolova House Museum. The exhibition tells about the history of the national ballet school that is inextricably connected with the name of the great ballerina Galina Ulanova. The main part of the display is represented by works of painting and graphics created by the masters of the «Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions of the 21st Century (St. Petersburg)», such as Vasily Bratanyuk, Nikolay Blokhin, Natalia Vishnyakova, Anna Vinogradova, Boris Semenov, Natalya Turunovskaya, Marina Rubanova, Elena Stepura, Nina Romadina and others. The artists offer the images of the national classical ballet school representatives created specially for this exhibition: one can see famous ballerinas like Svetlana Zakharova, prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theatre and Ulyana Lopatkina, prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theatre, and the ballet school students. The display features also the exhibits from the funds of the Ulanova Museum Apartment, revealing the important role of the ballerina in the development of the national ballet school: her portraits, stage costumes and posters of her performances.


«The Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions of the 21st Century (St. Petersburg)» was established in 2005 in St. Petersburg with the purpose to revive the best traditions of Russian art known for the works of the Wanderers of the XIX century (so called Peredvizhniki). Unlike their predecessors, the Wanderers of the present offer not only a realistic approach to art, but also time-tested artistic concepts closed to the representatives of the «World of Art», «Union of Russian Artists» and other associations. «The Society for Travelling Art Exhibitions of the 21st Century (St. Petersburg)» exhibits annually its works in museums and exhibition halls not only in Russia, but also in neighboring countries.

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

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С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


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