A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum

Online selling of the tickets for the exhibition «Aristarkh Lentulov’s Mystery Bouffe»



We are glad to announce that we have launched an online sale of tickets for the exhibition «Aristarkh Lentulov’s Mystery Bouffe».

Do not miss the unique exhibition dedicated to the work of the great representative of the Russian avant-garde! You will get the most complete show of his works for the last 30 years: about 250 works from 20 museums in Russia, private collections, as well as pieces from the Fyodor Lentulov’s collection / Fyodor Lentulov  is the great-grandson of the artist/.

You can buy your ticket here.

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115054, г. Москва

ул. Бахрушина, д. 31/12 стр. 1

ст. м. «Павелецкая»

Opening hours

С 21 марта 2022 года Главное здание

Бахрушинского музея закрыто на реставрацию


Стоимость экскурсий
и посещения выставок филиалов
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8 800 7777484

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/499/ 484-77-77 телефон для справок

See the best places to go in Moscow with a plan including State Central Theatre Museum of Bahrushin